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I came here to write.

And now that I’m here, I have. Ta dah! When we set expectations for ourselves, really we’re the only ones who know if we’re meeting them. I don’t know about you, but I’ve backed out of a whole lot of things that I’ve decided to do. Granted I have a pretty active imagination and am always coming up with new ideas so there’s a decent amount of...

Is the third time actually the charm?

It feels a little different choosing to do something just for the sake of the practice. Of all the years I’ve done so many things, “the practice” is probably the most elusive part. Not the “doing”. Doing the thing because it’s time to do the thing is a different vibe. Doing the thing just because you have decided that you want to be the person that does the...

Does this count as consistency?

I mean, barely right? Just the second night in a row. It is what it is and I’m good with that. I wanted to come down to write about an existential moment I just had with Tristan at bedtime. We’re laying in his bed before he goes to sleep and he says to me “Mommy, when you die, do you turn into a ghost?” “Ya know… I’m not totally sure about that,” I...

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