
Who IS Sarah Neczwid? Does that feel kind of existential to you? No? Just me. I’m a knowledge seeker, a dreamer, a believer, a lover of life, a lesbian, a wife, a non-birthing mom. I’m also a Gemini, an extrovert, a people person, and a musician.

How do you actually say her last name? It’s pronounced “Natch Weed”, though I will answer to anything close. My maiden name got mispronounced my entire life so I pass no judgement when someone butchers my last name. I have also butchered plenty of names in my life and will undoubtedly continue to do so despite my best efforts. Apologies in advance.

Other random facts

  • I’m a drummer and have been playing in bands since I was 17.
  • Tacos can fix any bad day I am having.
  • I still have my teddy bear, Teddy, that I got for my first Christmas.
  • I love to cook.
  • I was a competitive table tennis player when I was a kid.
  • My first job after high school was in tech support for a dial-up internet company.
  • I can’t stand the feeling of foam or lycra fabric. It makes my skin crawl.
  • I keep my fingernails short because I have a fear of bending them backwards.

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