If it’s the last thing I ever do.

We all have an internal clock. A rhythm we naturally fall into if we’re allowed, and times that we’re better at doing certain tasks than others. I’m not quite sure yet if writing just before bed is my most coherent time, but it certainly has always been a time when I feel introspective. Which isn’t always a good thing when I’m trying to go to sleep instead of sitting at my desk.

I’m definitely a person that lays awake with a whole collection of thoughts going when I lay down most nights. I’m surprised to know that some people just genuinely lay down and just fall asleep. Baffles my mind. Not to say I’ve never done it, but it’s not the usual.

Usually that’s the moment my brain starts getting the most active. I wonder why that is? Is it that I have some quiet time, uninterrupted time so it wants to explore? Is it just pre-planning events? Anxiety or just a natural rhythm of my brain waves?

Either way, I’ve enjoyed rekindling this old way of doing things. It’s honestly been more than a decade since I wrote consistently at night. I’m glad I’ve spent these last few days easing my mind. Now let’s go see if it pays off with falling asleep faster. Sweet dreams.

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